New Democracy Maps

Snapshot: LGBTQ Equality by State

The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) tracks over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies.  This map shows the overall policy tallies (as distinct from sexual orientation or gender identity tallies) for each state, the District of Columbia, and the five populated U.S. territories. A state’s policy tally scores the laws and policies within each state that shape LGBTQ people's lives, experiences, and equality. The major categories of laws covered by the policy tally include: Relationship & Parental Recognition, Nondiscrimination, Religious Exemptions, LGBTQ Youth, Health Care, Criminal Justice, and Identity Documents.  

Click on any state to view its detailed policy tally and state profile, or click "Choose an Issue" above to view maps on over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies. 
United States Map
Washington New York U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Guam Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands American Samoa New Hampshire Vermont Virginia Pennsylvania New York Maine West Virginia Ohio Kentucky Indiana Michigan Illinois Wisconsin North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Georgia Florida Mississippi Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Iowa Minnesota Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Texas 33 Colorado Wyoming Montana Idaho Arizona Utah Nevada Oregon California Hawaii Alaska Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Washington D.C. New Hampshire Vermont
  • High Overall Policy Tally (15 states + D.C.)
  • Medium Overall Policy Tally (6 states)
  • Fair Overall Policy Tally (3 states, 2 territories)
  • Low Overall Policy Tally (11 states, 3 territories)
  • Negative Overall Policy Tally (15 states)
Note that these scores reflect only existing laws and policies. They do not reflect bills currently under consideration, nor the implementation of each state’s laws. The tally also does not reflect the social climate in a state, the efforts of advocates, and/or opportunities for future change. States with lower scores might shift rapidly with an influx of resources, and states with higher scores might backslide, or they might expand equality for LGBTQ people in ways that can provide models for other states. In other words, these scores are an excellent measure of the current LGBTQ policy landscape across a wide range of issues, but the scores do not necessarily reflect the entire political or social landscape for LGBTQ people.

Each of the over 50 LGBTQ-related laws and policies that MAP tracks earns a score (positive for protective, or negative for harmful). See a state's profile to see its detailed scores across all these policies. For each state, these individual policy scores are then added up to produce a summary tally score. This table shows how a state's tally score determines its categorization. 

Below are the current scoring thresholds. Each category reflects a percentage range of the total possible points. For example, earning 25-49.9% of the total points possible results in a "Fair" categorization. 

Sexual Orientation Tally
Gender Identity Tally
(75-100% of points possible)
11.5 to 17
13 to 19.25
24.5 to 36.5
(25-49.9% of points possible)
5.75 to 11.25
6 to 12.75
12.25 to 24.25 
(0-24.9% of points possible)
0 to 5.5
0 to 5.75
0 to 12
(<0 points)
Total points possible

Recommended citation:
Movement Advancement Project. [Year of access]. "Equality Maps Snapshot: LGBTQ Equality By State." Accessed [day of access].

Percent of Adult LGBTQ Population Covered by Laws

*Note: These percentages reflect estimates of the LGBTQ adult population living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Estimates of the LGBTQ adult population in the five inhabited U.S. territories are not available, and so cannot be reflected here.


40 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with high overall policy tallies


8 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with medium overall policy tallies


7 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with fair overall policy tallies


16 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with low overall policy tallies


29 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with negative overall policy tallies

The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) tracks over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies.  This map shows the sexual orientation policy tallies for each state, the District of Columbia, and the five populated U.S. territories. A state’s policy tally scores the laws and policies within each state that shape LGBTQ people's lives, experiences, and equality. The major categories of laws covered by the policy tally include: Relationship & Parental Recognition, Nondiscrimination, Religious Exemptions, LGBTQ Youth, Health Care, Criminal Justice, and Identity Documents.  

Click on any state to view its detailed policy tally and state profile, or click "Choose an Issue" above to view maps on over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies. 
United States Map
  • High Sexual Orientation Policy Tally (13 states + D.C.)
  • Medium Sexual Orientation Policy Tally (9 states)
  • Fair Sexual Orientation Policy Tally (7 states, 2 territories)
  • Low Sexual Orientation Policy Tally (16 states, 3 territories)
  • Negative Sexual Orientation Policy Tally (5 states)
NOTE: This tally includes laws that explicitly mention sexual orientation. The term “sexual orientation” is loosely defined as a person’s pattern of emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction (or lack thereof) to people. Laws that explicitly mention sexual orientation primarily target, whether for protection or harm, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Transgender people can also be affected by laws that explicitly mention sexual orientation.

Sexual Orientation Tally
(75-100% of points possible)
(50-74.9% of points possible)
11.5 to 17
(25-49.9% of points possible)
5.75 to 11.25
(0-24.9% of points possible)
0 to 5.5
(<0 points)
total points possible
Recommended citation:
Movement Advancement Project. [Year of access]. "Equality Maps: Snapshot: LGBTQ Equality By State." Accessed [day of access].

Percent of Adult LGBTQ Population Covered by Laws

*Note: These percentages reflect estimates of the LGBTQ adult population living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Estimates of the LGBTQ adult population in the five inhabited U.S. territories are not available, and so cannot be reflected here.


36 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with high sexual orientation policy tallies


14 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with medium sexual orientation policy tallies


14 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with fair sexual orientation policy tallies


31 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with low sexual orientation policy tallies


5 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with negative sexual orientation policy tallies

The Movement Advancement Project (MAP) tracks over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies.  This map shows the gender identity policy tallies for each state, the District of Columbia, and the five populated U.S. territories. A state’s policy tally scores the laws and policies within each state that shape LGBTQ people's lives, experiences, and equality. The major categories of laws covered by the policy tally include: Relationship & Parental Recognition, Nondiscrimination, Religious Exemptions, LGBTQ Youth, Health Care, Criminal Justice, and Identity Documents.  

Click on any state to view its detailed policy tally and state profile, or click "Choose an Issue" above to view maps on over 50 different LGBTQ-related laws and policies. 
United States Map
  • High Gender Identity Policy Tally (15 states + D.C.)
  • Medium Gender Identity Policy Tally (6 states)
  • Fair Gender Identity Policy Tally (1 state, 1 territory)
  • Low Gender Identity Policy Tally (9 states, 1 territory)
  • Negative Gender Identity Policy Tally (19 states, 3 territories)
NOTE: This tally includes laws that explicitly address or impact gender identity and/or expression. “Gender identity” is a person’s deeply-felt inner sense of being male, female, or another gender(s). “Gender expression” refers to a person’s characteristics and behaviors such as appearance, dress, mannerisms, and speech patterns, all of which can be described as masculine, feminine, or something else. Gender identity and expression are independent of sexual orientation. Transgender people may identify as heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or something else. Laws that explicitly mention “gender identity” or “gender identity and expression” primarily target, whether for protection or harm, transgender people. These laws also can apply to people who are not transgender, but whose sense of self or expression does not adhere to gender stereotypes.

Gender identity Tally
(75-100% of points possible)
(50-74.9% of points possible)
13 to 19.25
(25-49.9% of points possible)
6 to 12.75
(0-24.9% of points possible)
0 to 5.75
(<0 points)
total points possible
Recommended citation:
Movement Advancement Project. [Year of access]. "Equality Maps: Snapshot: LGBTQ Equality By State." Accessed [day of access].

Percent of Adult LGBTQ Population Covered by Laws

*Note: These percentages reflect estimates of the LGBTQ adult population living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Estimates of the LGBTQ adult population in the five inhabited U.S. territories are not available, and so cannot be reflected here.


40 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with high gender identity policy tallies


8 % of the LGBTQ population lives in states with medium gender identity policy tallies


4 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with fair gender identity policy tallies


12 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with low gender identity policy tallies


35 % of LGBTQ population lives in states with negative gender identity policy tallies

Click here to print table
Relationship and
Parental Recognition
Religious Exemption Laws
LGBT Youth
1 Tennessee SO 2.25/7 -1/4.5 -3/-3.5 0/5 0/2 -1/3 -- -2.75 -11.25 -14.00
GI 1/1 -2/4.5 -2.5/-2.5 -3/5 -2.5/5.5 -1.25/3 -1/4
2 South Carolina SO 2/7 0/4.5 -2.5/-3.5 1/5 0.5/2 -0.5/3 -- 0.50 -8.25 -7.75
GI 0/1 0/4.5 -2.5/-2.5 -3/5 -2.5/5.5 -0.5/3 0.25/4
3 Arkansas SO 1/7 -1/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 -1/5 1.5/2 -1/3 -- -2.00 -8.00 -10.00
GI 0/1 -1/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -3/5 -1/5.5 -1/3 -0.5/4
4 Alabama SO 1/7 0/4.5 -2.5/-3.5 -1/5 0/2 0/3 -- -2.50 -7.75 -10.25
GI 0/1 -0.5/4.5 -2.5/-2.5 -4/5 -1/5.5 0/3 0.25/4
5 Idaho SO 2/7 0.75/4.5 -2.5/-3.5 1/5 0/2 0.5/3 -- 1.75 -7.50 -5.75
GI 0/1 -0.25/4.5 -2.5/-2.5 -2/5 -2.5/5.5 -0.5/3 0.25/4
6 Louisiana SO 1/7 0/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 -0.5/5 0.5/2 0/3 -- 0.50 -7.25 -6.75
GI 0/1 -1.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 -3/5 -1/5.5 -1/3 -0.5/4
7 Oklahoma SO 2/7 0/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 0.5/5 1/2 -0.5/3 -- 1.50 -6.50 -5.00
GI 0/1 -1/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -1/5 -1/5.5 -0.5/3 -1.75/4
8 Florida SO 1/7 2.75/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 -1/5 0.5/2 0.5/3 -- 2.25 -6.25 -4.00
GI 0/1 1.75/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -3/5 -2/5.5 -0.5/3 -1/4
9 Mississippi SO 2/7 0/4.5 -3.5/-3.5 0.5/5 0.5/2 -0.5/3 -- -1.00 -6.00 -7.00
GI 0/1 -1.5/4.5 -2.5/-2.5 -1/5 -2/5.5 -0.5/3 1.5/4
10 Missouri SO 2/7 1/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 0/5 1/2 0.5/3 -- 4.00 -5.50 -1.50
GI 0/1 0.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 -2/5 -1.5/5.5 0.5/3 -2.5/4
11 South Dakota SO 2/7 0/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 0/5 0/2 -1/3 -- -0.50 -5.00 -5.50
GI 1/1 0/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -1/5 -1.5/5.5 -1/3 -1/4
12 Montana SO 3/7 0.5/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 0/5 1/2 -0.5/3 -- 2.50 -4.00 -1.50
GI 0/1 -0.5/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -2/5 2.5/5.5 -1.5/3 -1.75/4
13 Indiana SO 3/7 1.25/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 -1/5 1/2 -1/3 -- 2.75 -3.75 -1.00
GI 0/1 1.25/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 -3/5 0/5.5 -1/3 -0.5/4
14 Texas SO 1/7 1.25/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 -0.5/5 1.5/2 1/3 -- 2.75 -3.50 -0.75
GI 0/1 1.25/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -1/5 -1.5/5.5 0/3 -1/4
15 Wyoming SO 2/7 0/4.5 0/-3.5 0/5 0/2 0/3 -- 2.00 -2.75 -0.75
GI 0/1 0/4.5 0/-2.5 -2/5 -1/5.5 0/3 0.25/4
16 Nebraska SO 1/7 2.25/4.5 0/-3.5 0/5 0.5/2 0.5/3 -- 4.25 -2.25 2.00
GI 0/1 1.5/4.5 0/-2.5 0/5 -2/5.5 -0.5/3 -1.25/4
17 Kansas SO 1/7 2.75/4.5 -2/-3.5 0/5 1/2 1/3 -- 3.75 -1.75 2.00
GI 0/1 1.75/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -1/5 1/5.5 0/3 -2/4
18 Georgia SO 1/7 0/4.5 0/-3.5 0/5 0.5/2 0.5/3 -- 2.00 -1.00 1.00
GI 0/1 0/4.5 0/-2.5 0/5 1/5.5 0.5/3 -2.5/4
19 American Samoa SO 1/7 0/4.5 0/-3.5 0/5 0/2 0/3 -- 1.00 -1.00 0.00
GI 0/1 0/4.5 0/-2.5 0/5 0/5.5 0/3 -1/4
20 Guam SO 1.75/7 1.5/4.5 0/-3.5 1/5 0.5/2 0.75/3 -- 5.50 -0.75 4.75
GI 0/1 1.5/4.5 0/-2.5 0/5 0.5/5.5 -0.25/3 -2.5/4
21 Northern Mariana Islands SO 1/7 0.5/4.5 0/-3.5 1/5 0.5/2 1/3 -- 4.00 -0.75 3.25
GI 0/1 0/4.5 0/-2.5 0.5/5 0/5.5 0/3 -1.25/4
22 Arizona SO 1.5/7 2.75/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 0.75/5 0.5/2 2/3 -- 6.00 -0.25 5.75
GI 0/1 2.75/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -0.25/5 -0.75/5.5 0/3 -0.5/4
23 Kentucky SO 2.25/7 2.25/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 0.75/5 0.5/2 0.5/3 -- 5.75 0.00 5.75
GI 1/1 2.25/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 -1.25/5 -1.5/5.5 -0.5/3 -0.5/4
24 North Dakota SO 3/7 3.5/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 2.5/5 1/2 -0.5/3 -- 8.00 0.75 8.75
GI 1/1 2/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 -0.5/5 0.5/5.5 -0.5/3 -0.25/4
25 West Virginia SO 2/7 0/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 1.5/5 1/2 0/3 -- 4.00 1.00 5.00
GI 1/1 0/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 0.5/5 -0.5/5.5 0/3 0.5/4
26 Utah SO 1/7 2.5/4.5 -1/-3.5 3/5 2/2 0/3 -- 7.50 1.50 9.00
GI 0/1 0.5/4.5 -1/-2.5 1/5 0/5.5 0/3 0.5/4
27 North Carolina SO 2/7 1/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 1.75/5 1/2 -0.5/3 -- 4.75 2.00 6.75
GI 1/1 1/4.5 0/-2.5 -0.25/5 0/5.5 -0.5/3 0.75/4
28 Ohio SO 2/7 3.5/4.5 -1/-3.5 1/5 1.5/2 -1/3 -- 6.00 2.25 8.25
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 -1/-2.5 0/5 -1.5/5.5 -1/3 1.25/4
29 Iowa SO 2/7 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 2/5 1/2 0.5/3 -- 9.50 3.00 12.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 -1/5 1/5.5 -0.5/3 -1.5/4
30 Alaska SO 1/7 1.75/4.5 0/-3.5 0.25/5 0.5/2 0.75/3 -- 4.25 4.25 8.50
GI 0/1 1.75/4.5 0/-2.5 -0.5/5 1.5/5.5 -0.25/3 1.75/4
31 U.S. Virgin Islands SO 2/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 1.75/5 0/2 0.5/3 -- 8.75 4.75 13.50
GI 0/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 0.75/5 0/5.5 0.5/3 -1/4
32 Wisconsin SO 2.25/7 3.5/4.5 0/-3.5 2.75/5 2/2 1.75/3 -- 12.25 5.50 17.75
GI 0/1 1/4.5 0/-2.5 0.75/5 4.5/5.5 -0.25/3 -0.5/4
33 Pennsylvania SO 2/7 2.75/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 1.75/5 1/2 -0.5/3 -- 6.50 10.50 17.00
GI 0/1 2.75/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 1.75/5 4.5/5.5 -0.5/3 2.5/4
34 Puerto Rico SO 2.25/7 1.5/4.5 0/-3.5 3.25/5 1.5/2 1/3 -- 9.50 10.50 20.00
GI 0/1 1.5/4.5 0/-2.5 3.25/5 2/5.5 1/3 2.75/4
35 Michigan SO 4/7 3.5/4.5 -1/-3.5 3/5 2/2 0.5/3 -- 12.00 14.00 26.00
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 -1/-2.5 3/5 4/5.5 0.5/3 3/4
36 Virginia SO 3/7 4.5/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 3/5 1/2 2/3 -- 12.00 14.50 26.50
GI 0/1 4.5/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 2/5 4/5.5 2/3 3.5/4
37 New Hampshire SO 5/7 3.5/4.5 0/-3.5 3/5 2.25/2 2/3 -- 15.75 15.00 30.75
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 0/-2.5 2/5 3.75/5.5 3/3 0.75/4
38 Delaware SO 3.75/7 3.5/4.5 0/-3.5 2.5/5 2.75/2 1.5/3 -- 14.00 16.50 30.50
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 0/-2.5 2/5 5.25/5.5 1.5/3 2.75/4
39 Hawaii SO 2.5/7 3.5/4.5 0/-3.5 3.5/5 2/2 3/3 -- 14.50 18.00 32.50
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 0/-2.5 3.5/5 4.5/5.5 3/3 2.5/4
40 New Mexico SO 3/7 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 4/5 1/2 2/3 -- 14.00 19.00 33.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 4/5 4/5.5 2/3 4/4
41 Massachusetts SO 6/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 1.75/2 2/3 -- 18.25 20.25 38.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 6.25/5.5 1/3 2.5/4
42 Rhode Island SO 6.5/7 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 3.5/5 1.75/2 2/3 -- 17.75 20.25 38.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 3.5/5 6.25/5.5 1/3 4/4
43 Vermont SO 5.5/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 2/2 2/3 -- 18.00 20.50 38.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 5/5.5 2/3 4/4
44 Minnesota SO 3/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 1.5/2 3/3 -- 16.00 21.00 37.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 5/5.5 3/3 3.5/4
45 Nevada SO 6/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 2/2 3/3 -- 20.50 21.00 41.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 4.5/5.5 2/3 4/4
46 Oregon SO 4/7 3.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 1/2 3/3 -- 16.50 21.00 37.50
GI 1/1 3.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 4.5/5.5 3/3 4/4
47 Connecticut SO 6/7 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-3.5 4.5/5 2/2 2/3 -- 18.50 22.00 40.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 -0.5/-2.5 4.5/5 6/5.5 2/3 4/4
48 District of Columbia SO 5/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 2.5/2 2/3 -- 18.00 22.00 40.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 6/5.5 2/3 4/4
49 Illinois SO 5/7 4.5/4.5 -1.5/-3.5 5/5 3/2 3/3 -- 19.00 22.00 41.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 -1.5/-2.5 5/5 6/5.5 3/3 3/4
50 Washington SO 4.75/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 1.5/2 2.5/3 -- 18.25 22.00 40.25
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 5/5.5 2.5/3 4/4
51 Maryland SO 5.75/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 2.75/2 2.5/3 -- 19.50 22.75 42.25
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 6.25/5.5 2.5/3 3.5/4
52 California SO 7/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 2.5/2 2.75/3 -- 21.75 23.25 45.00
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 5.5/5.5 2.75/3 4/4
53 Colorado SO 7/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 3/2 2.75/3 -- 22.25 23.25 45.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 5.5/5.5 2.75/3 4/4
54 New Jersey SO 5/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 5/5 2/2 2/3 -- 18.50 23.25 41.75
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 5/5 6.25/5.5 2/3 4/4
55 Maine SO 7/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 2.5/2 3/3 -- 21.00 23.50 44.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 6/5.5 3/3 4/4
56 New York SO 6/7 4.5/4.5 0/-3.5 4/5 2.5/2 3/3 -- 20.00 23.50 43.50
GI 1/1 4.5/4.5 0/-2.5 4/5 6/5.5 3/3 4/4

Related Resources


Policy Tallies: Frequently Asked Questions

For information on our methodology and rationale behind the creation of the Policy Tallies, click here to see our Frequently Asked Questions.


Mapping LGBTQ Equality: 2010 to 2020

February 2020 - This report offers a fresh perspective on the current legal status of LGBTQ people and tallies nearly 40 LGBTQ-related laws and policies across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories.


Mapping Transgender Equality in the United States

February 2017 - To help make sense of the current policy landscape in the states, this report looks at legal equality for transgender people across the country. The gender identity tally is comprised of 25 state laws and policies in five key categories: Non-Discrimination, LGBT Youth, Health and Safety, Ability to Correct the Name and Gender Marker on Identity Documents, and Adoption and Parenting.


Mapping LGBT Equality in America

May 2015 - Mapping LGBT Equality in America sets out to identify and explain the key gaps in legal equality for LGBT Americans by introducing the major state and local laws and policies that protect or harm LGBT people, providing a breakdown of those laws and policies by state, and showing how protections for LGBT Americans vary based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.


State Policy Tallies

Policy Tallies provide an overview of laws and polices that exist in each state. The major categories of laws covered by the policy tally include: Marriage and Relationship Recognition, Adoption and Parenting, Non-Discrimination, Safe Schools, Health and Safety, and the Ability for Transgender People to Correct the Gender Marker on Identity Documents.


Policy Tallies: Infographics

From the pages of Mapping LGBT Equality in America is a set of shareable infographics, including: ‘Equality Wheel: LGBT Policy Tallies by State,’ ‘Percent of Population Covered,’ ‘State Tallies if the Supreme Court Grants Nationwide Marriage for Same-Sex Couples,’ and more.

Data current as of 10/18/2024
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Sexual Orientation Policy Tally

The term “sexual orientation” is loosely defined as a person’s pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or more than one sex or gender. Laws that explicitly mention sexual orientation primarily protect or harm lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. That said, transgender people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual can be affected by laws that explicitly mention sexual orientation.

Gender Identity Policy Tally

“Gender identity” is a person’s deeply-felt inner sense of being male, female, or something else or in-between. “Gender expression” refers to a person’s characteristics and behaviors such as appearance, dress, mannerisms and speech patterns that can be described as masculine, feminine, or something else. Gender identity and expression are independent of sexual orientation, and transgender people may identify as heterosexual, lesbian, gay or bisexual. Laws that explicitly mention “gender identity” or “gender identity and expression” primarily protect or harm transgender people. These laws also can apply to people who are not transgender, but whose sense of gender or manner of dress does not adhere to gender stereotypes.

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